B12d Charity Support Group Blog
NICE Guidelines for B12d published 6 March 2024 – Guidelines and our response
After months (some would say years) of careful lobbying, NICE, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, has prepared and published now guidelines for the diagnosis and management of Vitamin B12 deficiency (B12d). NICE guideline [NG239] - 'Vitamin...
Legacy Blogs
Case studies from 2014 uploaded
Way back before we thought of publishing a book, we created a booklet of case studies. Although many of the case studies have been republished in the book, you will still find some of these interesting. I haven't managed to make each one a separate page on this...
May 2020 Newsletter
The newsletter is available as a PDF, with an article about the discussions we had at the April meeting. Please join us for the May meeting(s) B12d Newsletter May 2020
What’s in Dr Chandy’s Book?
The book distils 46 years of clinical practice as a GP in this part of County Durham, looking after many generations of the same family. During that time, Dr Chandy observed that B12 deficiency could occur, and be cured, in people who didn’t have macrocytosis...
Books For Doctors Scheme
Are you a doctor? Would you like a copy of the book "Vitamin B12 deficiency in clinical practice"? Would your doctor like a copy? The B12d charity will send a copy of the book to any clinician who asks for one (in UK, at least). To receive a...
Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Clinical Practice
At last - the book "Vitamin B12 deficiency in Clinical Practice" (subtitle "Doctor, you gave me my life back!" by Dr Joseph "Chandy" Kayyalackakom is available from Amazon. The book describes Dr Chandy's findings over 46 years of clinical practice, working as a GP in...