Dementia and B12 deficiency

Dr Sarah Myhill qualified in 1981, is a retired NHS GP and now works as a Naturopathic Physician. She is a Medical Director of UK Medical Freedom Alliance and Clinical Director of the College of Naturopathic Medicine. She is author of award winning medical books (see below).

Dr Myhill is well known to many, as she has been an active campaigner on ME (with books and articles such as “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – it’s mitochondria not hypochondria” and “The Energy Equation – from the naked ape to the knackered ape”) and on more holistic and patient-centred medicine (see “Ecological Medicine – the antidote to Big Pharma and fast food”, “Sustainable Medicine”, “Diabetes”, PK Cookbook, “The Infection Game” and “Enzyme Potentiated Desensitisation” on reducing symptoms from allergies).